Most of the emails sent around the globe nowadays are spam, i.e. unwanted messages with various offers or with hyperlinks to malicious software. Not only are such emails aggravating, but they also present a threat to your own personal computer, not to mention that you may be scammed. That is why, many email service providers rely on email filters, which are applications that monitor all inbound email messages and filter the undesirable ones on the basis of their content – what words an email consists of and how many times they’re referred to, what web site a given hyperlink leads to, what outgoing mail server the email message comes from, etc. Certain hosting providers also use the databases of spam-detecting organizations devoted to the provision of the most up-to-the-minute info about unrequested email messages, to make sure that their clients will not receive any message in their inbox that shouldn’t be there.

Spam Filters in Cloud Website Hosting

Our cloud website hosting servers use one of the best spam filters out there. It’s called SpamAssassin and is offered with each shared web hosting package, so in case you host your domains with our company, you can pick one of the five levels of safety that the anti-spam filter offers for any mailbox that you’ve got here. You can accomplish this with just two clicks of the mouse from the Email Manager section of the Hepsia hosting Control Panel that is used to manage all shared hosting accounts. SpamAssassin analyzes the header and the body of each and every email, calculates a spam score and then continues in accordance with the level that you have opted for. Each mailbox can have a different setting and you can choose if the messages that the filter reports as spam should be erased or forwarded to another email address where you can examine them at a later time, so as to prevent deleting a legitimate email. Switching to a different level or deactivating the anti-spam protection is also rather easy.

Spam Filters in Semi-dedicated Servers

In case you take advantage of one of our semi-dedicated servers, you will not have to worry about unsolicited bulk emails stuffing your mailboxes every once in a while, as you can make use of the famous SpamAssassin filter that we offer with each semi-dedicated hosting account. Our custom-developed Hepsia Control Panel will allow you to enable the filter for any mailbox with several clicks and you can pick one of the 5 protection levels – from very high to very low. The level can be altered at any moment if, for example, genuine messages get filtered, or if junk email messages go through and appear in your Inbox folder. To take no chances, you can choose all filtered messages to be re-sent to a special email account such as and not to be erased. Thus, you can examine them every now and then to make sure that you have not omitted a legitimate email message.