WHOIS is a protocol that makes it possible to see the information a given domain has been registered with either through a command line or through the use of special web-based lookup sites. This information includes the names, address and email address of the owner, administrator, tech and billing persons in addition to the registrar organization the domain has been purchased through, the creation and expiration dates. Except for a few country-code TLDs that have certain limitations, the WHOIS information of any domain name can be edited freely anytime, which is quite important given that in line with the policies of the top-level Internet Corporation, ICANN, all details have to be current and correct always. Inability to conform with these policies may result in losing the ownership of a domain name and in some cases a domain name could even be removed from the Domain Name System and released for free registration.

Full WHOIS Management in Cloud Website Hosting

Managing the WHOIS info of any domain registered via our company is very simple with our Hepsia hosting CP. The tool is included with every cloud website hosting and features a section committed to your domains in which all registrations shall be listed in alphabetical order. You can click on any domain to see its current WHOIS information and with only a few mouse clicks more you could update any part of it. Hepsia will even allow you to modify multiple domain names simultaneously and you'll be able to modify any detail the respective top-level Registry allows to be changed. For many country-code TLDs, automatic updates of the owner names aren't possible with the Control Panel, so you can contact us 24/7 and we can assist you with the procedure. There aren't any limits of any type concerning the WHOIS updates of generic TLDs.

Full WHOIS Management in Semi-dedicated Servers

If you register or transfer a domain address to our company and you've got a semi-dedicated server plan, you'll be able to see and modify the domain address WHOIS information easily using the same Hepsia Control Panel where you will handle the hosting space. It will take literally simply a mouse click to view what information a domain is currently registered with. With two more you could change any part of the WHOIS details and if you would like to do a mass update, you can actually select multiple domains as Hepsia allows you to control domain addresses in bulk. You simply won't have to go through your domains 1 by 1 if you would like to edit the e-mail address for all of them, as an example. If you own a domain which supports WHOIS updates, yet not automatic ones, you can contact us and we can take you step-by-step through the procedure and aid you till the change takes effect. That is required for a number of country-code extensions only, as the generic ones don't have limitations regarding WHOIS updates and you could edit everything and at any time through your Control Panel.