The term "disk space" may also be called "disk quota" or "data storage", still all these terms mean exactly the same thing - the volume of data that you can upload to a cloud website hosting account. The total size of everything you have is calculated by accumulating the storage space used by the entire content within the account, the most apparent being the data files you upload. Two other things are commonly overlooked by the majority of end users, though - e-mails as well as databases. Larger attachments and databases of big script-driven websites can sometimes use a lot of storage space too. To employ a more familiar analogy, the disk space of your laptop or computer is consumed not just by files you download, but additionally by docs you generate together with programs you add. Similarly, numerous things are counted towards the disk space that your information needs on a website hosting server, in addition to the uploads.

Disk Space in Cloud Website Hosting

With our cloud website hosting packages, you will never worry about hard drive storage. While most companies create accounts using a single server and at some time all the server disk storage is being used, we have employed a cloud website hosting platform where the files, email messages and databases are taken care of by independent clusters of servers. In this way, every single machine works better as only one type of processes is functioning on it, plus the disk space is virtually infinite as we can always connect additional servers or hard disk drives to the cluster, based on whether we want extra processing power or extra storage space. You'll never come across a scenario when you can't upload more files because there's no available hdd space on your server, which is a matter you may experience with other suppliers. If you use our web hosting services, you can rest assured that lack of space will never be a holdback for the progress of your web sites.

Disk Space in Semi-dedicated Servers

All our semi-dedicated server plans have "disk space" as a characteristic in order to stress that it's really limitless. We were able to reach that by using a modern, custom-made cloud hosting platform, where your databases, files and emails are kept on separate clusters of servers. We will add additional hard drives or entire servers to all of the clusters and at any time, plus our website hosting Control Panel is designed to function with such a system. By contrast, nearly all Control Panels on the hosting market can work only on a single server, and regardless of what the majority of providers promote, they really create a multitude of accounts on just a single machine. With a semi-dedicated server plan from us, you'll never need to concern yourself with disk space restrictions and you'll be able to give full attention to improving your websites.

Disk Space in VPS Servers

For our VPS servers, we provide ample disk space for all your content that suits the other server capabilities, consequently a better plan features a greater quota. You can use the space as you can see fit, since there are no specific allocations for the site files, databases or emails - all of them share the entire disk space on the server. Still, in case you'd like to have some limits, you'll be able to obtain your VPS plan with cPanel or DirectAdmin as the hosting Control Panel, and you will be able to make web hosting accounts with a limited amount of hard disk storage for every single domain that you host on the server. If you want extra storage space someday, you are able to quickly upgrade your plan with a couple of clicks and the extra characteristics will be included with your current account, so you won't have to migrate anything and your websites will remain operational.

Disk Space in Dedicated Servers

Selecting dedicated servers you will get all of the hard disk space that you'll need for your sites, databases, e-mail messages and applications. Hundreds of gigabytes of storage will be accessible and not shared with anyone else, hence you're able to upload all the information you need to - website files, personal or company archive backups, etc. You'll get at least 2 separate hard disks that work in RAID, so one of the drives will mirror the other in real time in order to guarantee that all of your valuable info is always protected. If you prefer, you'll be able to use the drives separately and make use of the whole space in any way you see fit. If required, you'll be able to get supplementary hard disks added to your server and get even more storage space. You have the option to create website hosting accounts with pre-set disk space allowances when you order your server with cPanel or DirectAdmin for the web hosting Control Panel. Selecting Hepsia, which is your third Control Panel solution on the order page, all domain names hosted on your server will share the disk storage and they will be operated through a single account. Either way, our dedicated plans will meet your needs whatever the type of website you need to host.